Li Zan remembers something Jiang Lin once said: no matter how much time passes or what happens, if Li Zan sends “Li Zan requests support” in their group, they would help. Li Zan sends the message, and the team members see it, showing it to Benjamin.
Benjamin visits Sasin, who is under confinement by Benjamin. Sasin protests that he passed the assessment to become a special forces member, and Benjamin has no right to confine him, accusing him of abusing his authority. Benjamin shows him the message, stating it’s his duty as a journalist; regarding Lena, avenging her is something they must do.

Sasin argues that this is their country and they don’t need mercenaries to intervene. Sasin posts online about Song Ran’s actions, indicating Song Ran genuinely cares for the country, and this photo has given many people strength. Many start defending Song Ran online, changing the tone of the comments, suggesting that if someone of his caliber says so, Song Ran must be different from what they imagined.
After returning home, Li Zan is not in good shape. Song Ran messages Li Zan, thanking him for contacting Sasin and his team and inviting him to dinner. Li Zan says he’s on a business trip, unsure if he’ll accept the invitation. He calls Luo Zhan, wanting to recover quickly, asking for help in finding a psychologist. Luo Zhan has already made arrangements, booking appointments for Tuesdays and Wednesdays, telling Li Zan to just go.
Li Zan visits the psychiatrist, expressing he doesn’t want anyone to see him in this condition. The doctor deduces this person must be very important to Li Zan. After the session, Luo Zhan asks how it went; Li Zan says it’s severe but the doctor is confident. Song Ran asks if Li Zan is back from his trip, still wanting to treat him to dinner. Li Zan agrees, and Song Ran says he’ll send the restaurant details.
Song Ran arrives at the restaurant, but Li Zan is late. When Li Zan arrives, he asks where Song Ran is, and Song Ran says he’s already gone home after not waiting long. As Song Ran leaves the restaurant, Li Zan sees him and asks what he’s doing. Song Ran says he’s just had a bath and is about to sleep. Li Zan calls out to him, and Song Ran is glad to see him. They go out to eat; Song Ran notices Li Zan’s hearing aid and asks about his condition. Li Zan explains his ear injury but says it’s fine now. He then inquires about Song Ran’s health; Song Ran mentions his eye injury was minor and has healed quickly.
Jiang Yu ends up at the police station for fighting, and Li Zan comes over. The teacher introduces Li Zan, explaining that he’s been dealing with Jiang Yu’s fights, suggesting Jiang Yu should thank him. Li Zan tells Jiang Yu he was a friend of Jiang Lin, explaining that violence isn’t the answer to problems, offering to help Jiang Yu find solutions. Jiang Yu, however, says he doesn’t know Jiang Lin and doesn’t need Li Zan’s interference, then leaves. Li Zan holds onto a jersey Jiang Lin wanted to give to Jiang Yu, which he didn’t get to deliver.

Song Ran visits his doctor, who says he’s doing well and can reduce his medication, though he might face emotional challenges. The doctor advises him to be prepared. Song Ran asks what would happen if he returns to Dongguo. The doctor explains there are two extreme possibilities: he might confront his trauma and recover, or he could collapse, advising against it since his current treatment is effective.