Zhen Zhen carefully emerges from the stairwell. Seeing a large crowd in the residential complex, she instinctively wants to rush over but is immediately grabbed by Deng Ligang and thrown into the trunk. The police rescue Qiu Feng from the bathroom. Deng Ligang’s car speeds off, and the police follow. Though trapped in the trunk, Zhen Zhen refuses to give up. She tries to open the trunk lid but lacks the strength. The four fugitives argue and have no clue where to go. Suddenly, they get into a car accident that pops open the trunk. Da Shun, Song Hongyu, and Shi Bi are all knocked unconscious. Barefoot, Zhen Zhen jumps out in a disheveled state—her body is covered in wounds, her face is unrecognizable, but she keeps dragging her injured leg forward. Once Deng Ligang regains his senses, he realizes Zhen Zhen has escaped and jumps out to chase her. Already exhausted, Zhen Zhen can only crawl in fear with Deng Ligang close behind. When the police sirens sound, Zhen Zhen sees hope, and Deng Ligang is taken away by the other three.
Peng Zhaolin arranges for Zhen Zhen to go to the hospital, then drives off alone to pursue Deng Ligang’s group. They race all the way to the pier. Peng Zhaolin arrives a step too late—the four have fled by boat. At the hospital, Zhen Zhen can’t sleep due to terror. Deng Ligang and the others keep going until they reach Jingliang Mountain, where they hide in a temple. Shi Bi devoutly kneels in prayer, while the other three remain dismissive.

Zhen Zhen’s mother arrives and is overcome with regret at seeing her daughter’s condition. Zhen Zhen’s father looks worried and asks Peng Zhaolin when he can arrest those bastards. The temple food is all vegetarian, and Da Shun loudly complains he wants meat. Zhen Zhen visits Qiu Feng, who’s recovered enough to be discharged. Her parents plan to take her home. Qiu Feng knows she wouldn’t have escaped without Zhen Zhen—someone so young yet so brave. She asks if they’ll ever meet again, and both agree they’d rather not. For the sake of moving on, neither of them wants to look back.
Zhen Zhen and Qiu Feng have escaped, leaving Deng Ligang and the others uneasy. He proposes splitting up after one final meal, but Shi Bi—knowing him too well—won’t immediately agree. Deng Ligang takes out a pile of money to divvy up. Shi Bi quickly pledges loyalty, reminding him he’s been around longer than Song Hongyu and never regretted a thing. Deng Ligang tests him, saying they’ll split the money but stay together. He’s got four train tickets from a scalper so they can all leave together.

Director Jiang keeps calling, but Peng Zhaolin hangs up every time. Jiang wants them to pull back. At home, Zhen Zhen remains trapped in nightmares, waking in terror every night. Her parents watch over her around the clock. Her father decides a change of environment might help her recover. They feel responsible for her condition, and her mother agrees—so they go to Hexi.
Deng Ligang shaves off his trademark mustache. On the train, they discuss where to get off—Suilu. They can’t go back to their old ways. Deng Ligang says that in a new place, they’ll have to make an honest living, assume new identities, scrub themselves clean, and go straight.