Duanwu and Wei Si Hui rode a carriage together to purchase jewelry. Experiencing a carriage ride for the first time, Duanwu found it fascinating. Along the way, Wei Si Hui suddenly claimed to have a stomachache and asked Duanwu to handle the negotiations alone. He handed her a box, claiming it contained enough gold bars to purchase the vendor’s pearls.
When Duanwu met the jewelry merchant, she proposed buying all of their pearls. However, when she opened the box to present the deposit, it contained only river stones. Shocked but quick-thinking, Duanwu immediately proposed a collaboration with N Hai Merchants. She suggested creating elaborate hairpins adorned with their pearls, which would significantly increase the value of the pearls. The merchant, intrigued by the profit potential, agreed to provide the pearls if Duanwu could present a satisfactory hairpin design the next day.
Upon returning to the ship, Duanwu found Wei Si Hui tied to a wooden post, being brutally beaten. Yan Zijin had discovered evidence in Wei Si Hui’s room of collusion with Cui Shijiu, including numerous property deeds as bribes. Yan Zijin announced Wei Si Hui’s execution for his betrayal. Duanwu pleaded for mercy, standing between Wei Si Hui and Yan Zijin. Zhang Jinran intervened, reminding Yan Zijin that private executions were improper. Reluctantly, Yan Zijin spared Wei Si Hui’s life and instead had him thrown into the sea.
Later, when the crowd had dispersed, Duanwu confronted Yan Zijin with the box of river stones, asking if he had anticipated this outcome all along. Yan Zijin admitted he had. This revelation brought tears to Duanwu’s eyes as she realized she, too, was merely a pawn in his plans.
Meanwhile, Duanwu’s younger brother, Little Shrimp, had been severely beaten and left with deep wounds on his back. Heartbroken, Duanwu tended to his injuries, but Little Shrimp urged her not to harbor hatred toward Cao Da and the others, recognizing their overwhelming power as something they couldn’t hope to challenge.
The next day, Duanwu presented her handmade hairpin to N Hai Merchants, who were impressed with its craftsmanship. Just as a deal seemed imminent, Cui Shijiu arrived with an array of more refined jewelry designs. As an official supplier to the palace, Cui Shijiu’s pieces were undeniably superior. To secure the deal, he offered a 20% markup and a deposit of 500 gold coins—an amount Yan Zijin couldn’t match. Duanwu tactfully withdrew and subtly warned Cui Shijiu to ensure his inflated pricing wouldn’t lead to ruin.
That night, Wei Si Hui managed to swim ashore, only to have his throat slit by Yan Zijin, who acted decisively but left witnesses in the shadows. The next morning, Wei Si Hui’s body was found aboard the ship. Xu Nanying, seizing the opportunity, offered a hefty reward for any information and soon received a tip implicating Yan Zijin. Xu Nanying immediately arrested him.
The rapid turn of events left Duanwu stunned. Yan Zijin, known for his meticulous planning, seemed unlikely to leave behind evidence. She wondered how they would proceed if he were imprisoned.
Yan Zijin’s trusted aide, Kang Ju, called Duanwu into a room and handed her the Blood Pearl. He urged her to leave, reminding her of their previous agreement. Shocked that Yan Zijin had managed to deliver the pearl despite his arrest, Duanwu hesitated, feeling unsettled by the unfolding chaos.
As government officials began confiscating treasures from the ship, Duanwu devised a plan. She let Pang Conshi overhear that Yan Zijin’s room still held hidden valuables. Late at night, Pang Conshi and Cao Da sneaked in to steal them but were caught red-handed by Kang Ju. Internal theft was a grave offense, and Kang Ju tied them to the deck. Duanwu personally whipped them as punishment. Watching this, Zhang Jinran was shocked to see Duanwu, once gentle and kind, becoming as ruthless as Yan Zijin.