In the year Bingyin, during mid-autumn, when the moon and stars align, a series of wondrous stories begin under their light. Ale is mistakenly thought to have killed Gold Four by members of the gang, and everyone is after him. He tries to evade capture, but while saving a child on the street, he’s spotted by his pursuers. He manages to escape temporarily, but outnumbered, he’s eventually caught. Just as they’re about to shoot him in revenge for Gold Four, Luna arrives from another dimension, running towards Ale and taking the bullet for him.
The police arrive in time, forcing the attackers to flee. Ale quickly gets Luna to the hospital, but he doesn’t know her or why she would risk her life for him.
Luna is resuscitated but remains unconscious. Ale, desperate to learn her identity, finds a notebook in her bag, revealing that she is a manga artist working on a piece called “Street Corner Stories.” In her drawings, the characters look remarkably like Ale and Gold Four, depicting events that just happened.

Ale works at Gold Xin Corporation, where Gold Four is the boss. Due to business disputes with Long Qi from the Dragon Tiger Hall, Gold Four has his new recruits draw lots to see who will assassinate Long Qi. Ale, unluckily, draws number fifty-nine but tries to cheat by breaking the stick to remove the number five. His trick is discovered, and facing death from Gold Four, he has no choice but to carry out the task.
On the streets, Ale encounters his former police academy classmate, Aga, who used to be bullied by him. Now, Aga humiliates Ale publicly, even checking him for contraband and making him shine his shoes. Ale provokes Aga to arrest him, but Aga, hearing about the assassination plan, won’t take Ale away, curious to see how Ale will meet his end with Long Qi. After Aga leaves, Ale meets his non-blood-related sister, Pei Yun, who is then taken by Gold Four, using her as leverage against Ale. Ale panics and contacts Officer Huang, revealing he’s an undercover agent only Huang knows about. However, he learns that Huang has been in a car accident, leaving no one to verify his identity.
In Luna’s manga, Ale heroically infiltrates the Dragon Tiger Hall and kills Long Qi, but in reality, another group is also after Long Qi. During their escape, Ale recognizes Long Qi’s moves from police academy training, revealing Long Qi as another of Huang’s spies. Together, they stage a scene where Ale brings Long Qi’s “body” to Gold Four, only to find Gold Four about to harm Pei Yun. Ale confronts Gold Four with a gun, but Pei Yun defends him, asking Ale to leave her alone. At that moment, Long Qi, hidden in a sack, shoots and kills Gold Four. Hearing the shot, Ale and Long Qi escape through a window.

In an alley, Ale learns from Long Qi that Huang’s death was part of a scheme because Long Qi didn’t want to return to a mundane life, enjoying his power as a gang leader. With Gold Four dead, Long Qi offers Ale a share if he joins him, but Ale refuses. Now enemies, Long Qi shoots at Ale, but Ale, wearing a bulletproof vest, is unharmed. Long Qi is killed by a falling sign, dropped by a startled worker who ran away after hearing the gunfire.